Lafayette, Indiana Crime Rate 2024 – What You Need to Know

lafayette city drone view with crime scene tape over it
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Crime statistics can be a lot to digest, but they’re crucial for anyone who wants to feel safe and secure in their community. Let’s take a look at Lafayette’s crime rate for the first half of 2024 compared to 2023, and what the numbers really mean for all of us.

Breaking Down the Numbers

Crime rates in Lafayette; source:

As stated by the City of Lafayette, the crime rate in Lafayette has seen some significant shifts from January to June 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. The total number of reported Group A offenses – which include everything from assault to theft – increased slightly by 4.08%.

While that might not seem like much, it’s essential to look at specific categories to get a clearer picture.

Group A Offenses 2024 Jan-Jun 2023 Jan-Jun % of Change (Jan-Jun)
Animal Cruelty 32 23 39.1%
Arson 1 0 100.0%
Assault 194 171 13.5%
Bribery 0 1 -100.0%
Burglary 73 55 32.7%
Counterfeit/Forgery 14 5 180.0%
Destruction of Property 214 183 16.9%
Drug Offenses 52 33 57.6%
Embezzlement 4 6 -33.3%
Extortion 18 4 350.0%
Fraud 95 106 -10.4%
Identity Theft 31 27 14.8%
Gambling 0 0 0.0%
Homicide 0 0 0.0%
Human Trafficking 0 0 0.0%
Kidnapping/False Imprisonment 10 4 150.0%
Larceny Theft 317 367 -13.6%
Criminal Trespass-Vehicle Reports 90 78 15.4%
Criminal Trespass-Vehicles # of Veh. 127 106 19.8%
Shoplifting 90 75 20.0%
Motor Vehicle Theft 32 47 -31.9%
Pornography 6 7 -14.3%
Prostitution 0 0 0.0%
Robbery 3 2 50.0%
Forcible Sex Offenses 14 18 -22.2%
Stolen Property (Possession) 9 18 -50.0%
Weapon Law Violations 10 5 100.0%
Totals 1098 1055 4.08%
Cleared 269 250 24.5%

Significant Increases in Crime

Crime rates in numbers; source:
Several types of crimes have seen considerable increases this year:

  • Animal Cruelty: Up by 39.1%. This category, while not as frequently reported as others, has seen a troubling rise. It’s a reminder of the need for increased awareness and stricter enforcement of animal protection laws.
  • Arson: A 100% increase sounds alarming, but it’s important to note that the actual numbers are low – from 0 cases in 2023 to 1 in 2024. Even one case is too many, but context matters.
  • Assault: Up by 13.5%. A jump from 171 to 194 cases. Assault cases can vary widely in severity, but any increase is cause for concern and a signal that more community resources might be needed.
  • Counterfeit/Forgery: A 180% rise, from 5 to 14 incidents. Financial crimes can indicate underlying economic stress or gaps in regulatory systems that need to be addressed.
  • Drug Offenses: Up by 57.6%. The increase from 33 to 52 cases suggests that drug-related activity is becoming more prominent. This could reflect both an increase in enforcement and a possible rise in substance use issues.
  • Extortion: A massive increase of 350%, from 4 to 18 cases. This jump is particularly alarming as extortion often involves threats and can have severe psychological impacts on victims.
  • Kidnapping/False Imprisonment: Up by 150%. Although the numbers are small (from 4 to 10), each case represents a severe crime with potentially life-altering consequences for those involved.
  • Weapon Law Violations: Doubled from 5 to 10 cases. This suggests a potential rise in illegal firearms activity, which can be a precursor to other violent crimes.
Crime Type Percentage Decrease Description
Motor Vehicle Theft Down by 31.9% Indicates improved security measures or changes in patrol patterns, resulting in fewer stolen cars.
Larceny Theft Decreased by 13.6% A reduction from 367 to 317 cases, showing a positive trend in reducing petty theft incidents.
Forcible Sex Offenses Down by 22.2% Although still a concern, this decrease suggests that prevention and intervention strategies may be effective.
Stolen Property Possession Reduced by 50% Signifies fewer stolen goods being circulated or more effective policing of theft rings.

According to FBI statistics, violent crime has significantly decreased since the 1990s.

Crimes Holding Steady

Some categories have seen little to no change. Homicide, Human Trafficking, Prostitution, and Gambling – zero reported cases in both years. While this is good news, it doesn’t mean these crimes aren’t happening – just that they aren’t being reported or detected.

Community Impact and What It Means for Us

Crime Scene, source:

These numbers reflect the realities of living in Lafayette. Each crime affects real people, families, and neighborhoods. So, what do these changes mean for us, the community?

Personal Safety

Rising numbers in assault and weapon law violations are a red flag. This might be the time to consider personal safety measures, such as self-defense classes or being more aware of your surroundings.

Property Protection

Statts, Lafayette; source:

With burglary up by 32.7% and vehicle trespassing increasing, it’s wise to revisit home and car security. Simple steps like installing better locks, using security cameras, and avoiding leaving valuables in plain sight can make a difference.

Mental and Emotional Health

Hearing about crime increases can be unsettling. If the statistics are causing anxiety, it’s important to talk about it with friends, family, or even a professional. Feeling connected and supported helps, especially when concerns about safety are on the rise.

What Can We Do?

lafayette crime scene
lafayette crime scene; source:

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but there are practical steps we can take:

Action Step Description
Get Involved Participate in neighborhood watch programs or community meetings. Awareness and cooperation can help prevent and address crime.
Support Local Law Enforcement Collaborate respectfully with police. Reporting suspicious activity can improve community safety and law enforcement outcomes.
Advocate for Resources Promote funding for mental health services, substance abuse programs, and community outreach to address underlying causes of crime.
Educate and Inform Stay informed about risks and crime trends. Knowledge empowers individuals to make safer and more informed choices.


1. What's the safest neighborhood in Lafayette right now?
Often considered among the safest neighborhoods are West Lafayette, Bar Barry Heights, and the Highland Park area.
2. What's Lafayette doing to prevent rising crime?
The city is working on several fronts, from increasing police patrols in areas with high crime rates to encouraging community involvement through watch programs. There’s also an emphasis on mental health services and outreach programs to tackle root causes, like economic hardship and substance abuse, that often lead to criminal behavior.
3. Is Lafayette still a good place to live with these crime increases?
Despite some increases in specific crime categories, Lafayette remains a vibrant community with plenty of positives – friendly neighborhoods, great local events, and proactive residents. The key is awareness and involvement. Knowing what’s going on and taking small steps for safety, like better home security, can make a big difference.
4. What can I do to protect my car from being broken into?
Vehicle trespassing is up, so now’s a great time to double-check how secure your car is. Park in well-lit areas whenever possible, keep valuables out of sight, and always lock your doors. Simple things like using steering wheel locks or installing a car alarm can also be effective.
5. Does Lafayette have curfews to help prevent crime?
There is a curfew in place to help ensure that minors aren’t out late where they might be vulnerable or get into trouble. The idea is to help parents keep their kids safe and reduce opportunities for crime during late-night hours when incidents are more likely to happen.

Looking Ahead

While some increases are concerning, there are also positive trends that show things are getting better in some areas. It’s not about living in fear but being aware and proactive.

Talk to your neighbors, support local efforts to keep our community safe, and don’t hesitate to get involved. Together, we can keep moving Lafayette in the right direction.